October 2017 - The new Journal from my
caving club, the Technical Speleological Group,
has just been released. Two years in compilation, TSG 19 was edited
and designed by myself, along with me providing over half the content, both
written and photographic, including the front cover.
The Journal covers many
of the underground projects I've been involved with over the last
seven years, with major exploration and survey tasks undertaken in
the Peak-Speedwell system. Additionally, the Journal covers foreign
expeditions, conservation projects large and small, diving work and
some significant cave science. It's 206 pages, in full colour, with
six A3 foldouts and costs £25. A superb review by Chris Howes in
Descent magazine, Issue 259 (Dec-Jan) stated that: "If you are
in the Peak, this is not a journal you might want, it is one you
will need...".
TSG 19 was shortlisted
and commended for the prestigious 2017
Tratman Award.
For more information
and ordering, please visit the
TSG website